Source code for stix2generator.test.test_stix2_auto_registration

import pytest
import stix2

    import stix2.parsing as mappings
except ImportError:
    import stix2.core as mappings

import stix2.exceptions
import stix2generator
import stix2generator.exceptions
from stix2generator.stixcustom import (
    stix2_register_custom, stix2_auto_register_all_custom

# Lazy-initialize.  Will hold a map from stix vid (e.g. "v20", "v21", etc)
# to a set of names.  So we have a separate set of names for each STIX
# version.

[docs]@pytest.fixture def cleanup_stix2(): """ Auto-registration affects a global table within stix2. So testing it can affect all subsequent tests unless the changes are undone after each test. This fixture doesn't produce anything; just use it for those unit tests which register anything custom, and it will undo the registration afterword. """ global _STIX2_BUILTIN_SDO_NAMES # Store current SDO class entries upon first use. This will allow us # to recognize from now on, if any entries are "custom". if _STIX2_BUILTIN_SDO_NAMES is None: _STIX2_BUILTIN_SDO_NAMES = { stix_vid: set(entries["objects"]) for stix_vid, entries in mappings.STIX2_OBJ_MAPS.items() } yield for stix_vid, entries in mappings.STIX2_OBJ_MAPS.items(): to_delete = [ # avoid modify-as-you-iterate obj_type for obj_type in entries["objects"] if obj_type not in _STIX2_BUILTIN_SDO_NAMES[stix_vid] ] for custom_type in to_delete: # print("Cleaning for", stix_vid, ":", custom_type) del entries["objects"][custom_type]
[docs]def test_const_object_spec_all_types(cleanup_stix2): spec = { "const": { "type": "my-type", "int": 1, "number": 0.5, "boolean": False, "string": "hello, world", "array": [1, 2, 3], "object": { "subprop1": 1, "subprop2": "two" } } } stix2_register_custom(spec, "my-type", "2.1") # now it should be able to parse our object obj = stix2.parse(spec["const"], version="2.1") assert obj["type"] == "my-type" assert obj["int"] == 1 assert obj["number"] == 0.5 assert obj["boolean"] is False assert obj["string"] == "hello, world" assert obj["array"] == [1, 2, 3] assert obj["object"] == {"subprop1": 1, "subprop2": "two"}
[docs]def test_nonconst_object_spec_all_types(cleanup_stix2): spec = { "type": "object", "properties": { "type": "my-type", "int": {"type": "integer"}, "number": {"type": "number"}, "boolean": {"type": "boolean"}, "string": {"type": "string"}, "array": {"type": "array", "items": {"type": "integer"}}, "object": { "type": "object", "properties": { "subprop1": {"type": "integer"}, "subprop2": {"type": "string"} } } } } stix2_register_custom(spec, "my-type", "2.1") gen = stix2generator.create_object_generator() random_dict = gen.generate_from_spec(spec) stix_obj = stix2.parse(random_dict, version="2.1") # Make sure all props from the dict came through in the stix2 object for prop, value in random_dict.items(): assert stix_obj[prop] == value
[docs]def test_specs_dict(cleanup_stix2): specs = { "Custom1": { "const": { "type": "custom1", "name": "alice" } }, "Custom2": { "const": { "type": "custom2", "name": "bob" } }, "somehelper": { "const": { "type": "somehelper", "name": "carol" } } } stix2_auto_register_all_custom(specs, "2.1") # Note that the specs are used to detect property types; exact values # are not enforced, nor even whether each property is present at all. custom1 = stix2.parse({"type": "custom1", "name": "carol"}, version="2.1") custom2 = stix2.parse({"type": "custom2"}, version="2.1") assert custom1["name"] == "carol" assert "name" not in custom2 # "somehelper" should not be recognized as an SDO spec since it starts # with lowercase, so it should be skipped for auto-registration. So the # following should fail. with pytest.raises(stix2.exceptions.ParseError): stix2.parse({"type": "somehelper"})
[docs]def test_non_object_spec_error(): spec = [1, 2, 3] # We're registering a custom STIX object, so the spec needs to be for an # object! with pytest.raises(stix2generator.exceptions.IllegalSTIXObjectSpecType): stix2_register_custom(spec, "foo", "2.1")
[docs]def test_empty_list_error(): spec = { "type": "object", "properties": { "emptylist": [] } } # can't infer list element type from an empty list with pytest.raises(stix2generator.exceptions.EmptyListError): stix2_register_custom(spec, "foo", "2.1")
[docs]def test_heterogenous_list_error(): spec = { "type": "object", "properties": { "heterolist": [1, "foo", True] } } # can't infer list element type from a heterogenous list with pytest.raises(stix2generator.exceptions.HeterogenousListError): stix2_register_custom(spec, "foo", "2.1")
[docs]def test_prop_type_error(): spec = { "const": { "nullprop": None } } with pytest.raises(stix2generator.exceptions.IllegalSTIXObjectPropertyType): stix2_register_custom(spec, "null", "2.1")
[docs]def test_stix2_object_result(cleanup_stix2): spec = { "Foobar": { "type": "object", "import": "common-properties", "required": ["id", "some-property", "type"], "properties": { "type": "x-foobar", "id": { "type": "string", "semantics": "stix-id", "stix-type": "x-foobar" }, "some-property": { "type": "string", "semantics": "word" } } } } stix2_register_custom(spec['Foobar'], "x-foobar", "2.1") processor = stix2generator.create_default_language_processor( extra_specs=spec, stix_version="2.1" ) obj = processor.build_graph("Foobar.")[0] assert isinstance(obj, stix2.base._STIXBase)