Source code for stix2generator.test.test_stix_generation

import itertools
import pytest
import stix2.base

import stix2generator
import stix2generator.exceptions
import stix2generator.test.utils
import stix2generator.utils
import stix2generator.generation.object_generator
import stix2generator.generation.stix_generator

[docs]@pytest.mark.parametrize( "seed_type", [ "identity", stix2generator.utils.STIXTypeClass.SDO, stix2generator.utils.STIXTypeClass.SCO, stix2generator.utils.STIXTypeClass.SRO ] ) def test_seeds(num_trials, seed_type, stix21_generator): for _ in range(num_trials): graph = stix21_generator.generate(seed_type) # Ensure the graph has at least one object of type seed_type. assert any( stix2generator.utils.is_stix_type( obj, seed_type, stix_version="2.1" ) for obj in graph.values() )
[docs]def test_bad_seed(stix21_generator): with pytest.raises(stix2generator.exceptions.GeneratableSTIXTypeNotFoundError): stix21_generator.generate("foo")
def _count_relationships(graph): """ Counts the number of relationships (plain and sighting) in the graph. """ count = sum( 1 if stix2generator.utils.is_sro(obj) else 0 for obj in graph.values() ) return count
[docs]def test_relationship_count(num_trials): stix_gen_config = stix2generator.generation.stix_generator.Config( min_relationships=2, max_relationships=5 ) stix_gen = stix2generator.create_stix_generator( stix_generator_config=stix_gen_config ) for _ in range(num_trials): graph = stix_gen.generate() rel_count = _count_relationships(graph) assert 2 <= rel_count <= 5
[docs]def test_complete_ref_properties_true(num_trials): stix_gen_config = stix2generator.generation.stix_generator.Config( complete_ref_properties=True ) stix_gen = stix2generator.create_stix_generator( stix_generator_config=stix_gen_config ) for _ in range(num_trials): graph = stix_gen.generate() assert not stix2generator.test.utils.has_dangling_references(graph)
[docs]def test_complete_ref_properties_false(num_trials): stix_gen_config = stix2generator.generation.stix_generator.Config( complete_ref_properties=False ) stix_gen = stix2generator.create_stix_generator( stix_generator_config=stix_gen_config ) for _ in range(num_trials): graph = stix_gen.generate() # I think that if complete_ref_properties is False, non-relationship # ref properties would always have to be dangling. If there are no # non-relationship ref properties, none would be dangling, because it # would be an error for a relationship to refer to a non-existent # object. for id_, obj in graph.items(): if not stix2generator.utils.is_sro(obj): first_ref = next( stix2generator.utils.find_references(obj), None ) has_non_relationship_ref_props = first_ref is not None if has_non_relationship_ref_props: break else: has_non_relationship_ref_props = False if has_non_relationship_ref_props: assert stix2generator.test.utils.has_dangling_references(graph) else: assert not stix2generator.test.utils.has_dangling_references(graph)
[docs]def test_probability_sighting(num_trials): stix_gen_config = stix2generator.generation.stix_generator.Config( probability_sighting=0 ) stix_gen = stix2generator.create_stix_generator( stix_generator_config=stix_gen_config ) for _ in range(num_trials): graph = stix_gen.generate() has_sighting = any( obj["type"] == "sighting" for obj in graph.values() ) assert not has_sighting
# can't test that probability_sighting=1 results in *only* # sightings, because STIX graph generation can't guarantee that.
[docs]def test_connectedness(num_trials, stix21_generator): for _ in range(num_trials): graph = stix21_generator.generate() assert stix2generator.test.utils.is_connected(graph)
class _FilterFirst: """ Instances act as a predicate which is used to filter out only the first occurrence of some value. """ def __init__(self, filter_value): """ Initialize this predicate object. :param filter_value: The value whose first occurrence this predicate should filter out. """ self.filter_value = filter_value self.found = False def __call__(self, value): """ Check whether the given value should pass this filter. :param value: A value :return: True if the value passes this filter; False if not """ passes = True if value == self.filter_value and not self.found: self.found = True passes = False return passes def _sro_relates(sro, id_): """ Determine whether the given SRO relates an object with the given ID to any other object. :param sro: An SRO :param id_: A STIX ID :return: True if SRO relates id_ to something; False if not """ sro_type = sro["type"] if sro_type == "relationship": relates = id_ in (sro["source_ref"], sro["target_ref"]) else: # sightings relates = id_ == sro["sighting_of_ref"] \ or id_ in sro.get("observed_data_refs", []) \ or id_ in sro.get("where_sighted_refs", []) return relates def _get_sro_other_ends(sro, this_end_id): """ Given an SRO and and the ID of an object it relates, find all the IDs of other objects it relates the given ID to. This is a generator which yields STIX IDs. :param sro: An SRO :param this_end_id: A STIX ID which the SRO relates to other things """ sro_type = sro["type"] if sro_type == "relationship": other_end_id = sro["target_ref"] \ if this_end_id == sro["source_ref"] \ else sro["source_ref"] yield other_end_id else: # sightings observed_data_refs = sro.get("observed_data_refs") where_sighted_refs = sro.get("where_sighted_refs") sighting_of_refs = (sro["sighting_of_ref"],) # always one of these # We assume this_end_id exists in some relevant ref property for # the sighting: that's one "end" of it. All other ref IDs are the # other "ends". In fact, this_end_id could occur multiple times. # We don't care where it occurs, but one of those is this end, and # all others are other ends. The net result is that we want all ref # IDs from the relevant ref properties, minus a single ID matching # this_end_id. The following simply filters out the first occurrence # as "this end". # chain together all of the ref IDs in the sighting all_refs = itertools.chain.from_iterable( seq for seq in ( observed_data_refs, where_sighted_refs, sighting_of_refs ) if seq ) # filter the first occurrence of this_end_id from the chain filter_first_pred = _FilterFirst(this_end_id) filtered_all_refs = ( id_ for id_ in all_refs if filter_first_pred(id_) ) yield from filtered_all_refs def _sro_cycle_undirected_dfs( graph, curr_id, visited_ids=None, search_stack=None ): """ Do a depth-first-search starting from curr_id in the given graph, and look for cycles. This treats SROs as edges, and SROs' "endpoints" as graph nodes. SRO directionality is ignored (sightings don't have a "direction" anyway). :param graph: The STIX graph as a mapping from ID to object :param curr_id: A start object ID for the search. Must be an SDO or SCO ID (a type usable as an SRO endpoint). :param visited_ids: A set of IDs of objects we've already seen. Prevents re-traversing the same graph regions multiple times :param search_stack: A search stack which builds up a path from the start node to other nodes. This is used to detect the cycles. :return: True if a cycle is detected; False if not """ if visited_ids is None: visited_ids = set() if search_stack is None: search_stack = [] if curr_id in search_stack: result = True elif curr_id in visited_ids: result = False elif curr_id not in graph: # dangling reference result = False else: visited_ids.add(curr_id) search_stack.append(curr_id) for id_, obj in graph.items(): # Need to add the SROs to the stack too, because we don't want to # reuse them in a cycle. Cycles require distinct objects *and* # distinct SROs. if stix2generator.utils.is_sro(obj) \ and id_ not in search_stack \ and _sro_relates(obj, curr_id): search_stack.append(id_) for other_end_id in _get_sro_other_ends(obj, curr_id): result = _sro_cycle_undirected_dfs( graph, other_end_id, visited_ids, search_stack ) if result: break else: search_stack.pop() continue search_stack.pop() break else: result = False search_stack.pop() return result def _has_sro_cycle_undirected(graph): """ Determine whether the given graph has an SRO-based cycle. SRO directionality is ignored (sightings don't have a "direction" anyway). :param graph: The STIX graph as a mapping from ID to object :return: True if a cycle is detected; False if not """ # Need to find a start node, i.e. a SRO-connectable object in the graph. sro_connectable_ids = ( id_ for id_, obj in graph.items() if stix2generator.utils.is_stix_type( obj, stix2generator.utils.STIXTypeClass.SDO, stix2generator.utils.STIXTypeClass.SCO, stix_version="2.1" ) ) first_id = next(sro_connectable_ids, None) # Should not happen: it would mean the graph is empty or contains no # "normal" graph nodes (SDO/SCOs)! assert first_id is not None result = _sro_cycle_undirected_dfs(graph, first_id) return result
[docs]def test_probability_reuse(num_trials): # There shouldn't be any "cycles" if probability_reuse=0, since every # SRO addition results in all new objects. I don't think there's any # invariant we can test when probability_reuse=1... stix_gen_config = stix2generator.generation.stix_generator.Config( probability_reuse=0 ) stix_gen = stix2generator.create_stix_generator( stix_generator_config=stix_gen_config, stix_version="2.1" ) for _ in range(num_trials): graph = stix_gen.generate() assert not _has_sro_cycle_undirected(graph)
[docs]@pytest.mark.parametrize( "seed_type", [ "marking-definition", "relationship", "sighting" ] ) def test_non_sro_connectable(num_trials, stix21_generator, seed_type): for _ in range(num_trials): stix21_generator.generate(seed_type)
def _observable_container_has_dangling_references(observable_container): """ Check all reference properties of all SCOs in the container, and determine whether they reference objects which are also in the container. :param graph: A STIX graph as a mapping from ID to object :return: True if any references are dangling; False if not """ # This is almost a copy-paste of # stix2generator.test.utils.has_dangling_references(), but changed to work # on an observable-container, which is not a full STIX object. for obj in observable_container.values(): for _, obj_id in stix2generator.utils.recurse_references(obj): if obj_id not in observable_container: result = True break else: continue break else: result = False return result
[docs]def test_observed_data_observable_container(num_trials): """ Because of observed-data special-casing which occurs in the codebase, this test is intended to ensure that SDO in particular isn't getting messed up. """ # To induce observed-data SDOs to have an "objects" property (as opposed to # the new "object_refs" property), configure the object generator to # minimize properties. This will inhibit "object_refs" (since that's a ref # property) and force "objects". obj_gen_config = stix2generator.generation.object_generator.Config( minimize_ref_properties=True ) stix_gen = stix2generator.create_stix_generator( object_generator_config=obj_gen_config ) for _ in range(num_trials): graph = stix_gen.generate("observed-data") for id_, obj in graph.items(): if obj["type"] == "observed-data": observable_container = obj["objects"] assert not _observable_container_has_dangling_references( observable_container )
[docs]def test_preexisting_objects(stix21_generator): graph1 = stix21_generator.generate() graph2 = stix21_generator.generate(preexisting_objects=graph1) # ensure graph2 absorbed graph1 assert all( id_ in graph2 for id_ in graph1 ) # ensure all objects got parsed ok assert all( isinstance(obj, stix2.base._STIXBase) for obj in graph2.values() )
[docs]def test_stix2_parsing(stix21_generator): graph1 = { "identity--74fa9f1b-897e-40dc-8f1c-d2f531c956bb": { "id": "identity--74fa9f1b-897e-40dc-8f1c-d2f531c956bb", "type": "identity", "spec_version": "2.1" # Omit the required "name" property. # Should be ok since the property is not used by any generators, # and we don't expect this dict to be parsed and produce any # validation errors. } } graph2 = stix21_generator.generate(preexisting_objects=graph1) # ensure graph2 absorbed graph1 assert all( id_ in graph2 for id_ in graph1 ) # ensure our preexisting identity is still a dict assert isinstance( graph2["identity--74fa9f1b-897e-40dc-8f1c-d2f531c956bb"], dict )