Source code for stix2generator.test.test_utils

# Unit tests for the (top-level) utils module.
import pytest

import stix2generator.utils

[docs]@pytest.fixture(scope="module") def object_generator21(): """ Create a default-configured object generator for STIX 2.1. """ gen = stix2generator.create_object_generator(stix_version="2.1") return gen
[docs]@pytest.mark.parametrize( "obj, findings", [ ({"type": "foo", "a_ref": 1, "b_ref": 2, "c": 3}, {("a_ref", 1), ("b_ref", 2)}), ({"type": "foo", "a_refs": [1, 2], "b_ref": 3, "c": 4}, {("a_refs", 1), ("a_refs", 2), ("b_ref", 3)}), ({"type": "foo", "a": {"b": {"c_ref": 1}}}, {("c_ref", 1)}) ] ) def test_find_references(obj, findings): for ref_prop, ref_id in stix2generator.utils.find_references(obj): assert (ref_prop, ref_id) in findings
[docs]@pytest.mark.parametrize( "obj", [ {"type": "foo", "a_ref": 1, "b_ref": 1, "c": 1}, {"type": "foo", "a_refs": [1, 1], "b_ref": 1, "c": 1}, {"type": "foo", "a": {"b": {"c_ref": 1}}} ] ) def test_find_references_assignable(obj): for parent, key, ref_id, _ in stix2generator.utils\ .find_references_assignable(obj): assert ref_id == 1 # just change all 1's to 2's parent[key] = 2 for _, ref_id in stix2generator.utils.find_references(obj): assert ref_id == 2
[docs]@pytest.mark.parametrize( "obj_or_type, stix_version, expected", [ ("identity", "2.1", True), ("identity", "2.0", True), ("ipv4-addr", "2.1", False), ("ipv4-addr", "2.0", False), ("bundle", "2.1", False), ("bundle", "2.0", False), ("marking-definition", "2.1", False), ("marking-definition", "2.0", False), ("foobar", "2.1", False), ("foobar", "2.0", False), ("relationship", "2.1", False), ("relationship", "2.0", False), ({"type": "malware-analysis", "foo": 1}, "2.1", True), ({"type": "malware-analysis", "foo": 1}, "2.0", False) ] ) def test_is_sdo(obj_or_type, stix_version, expected): assert stix2generator.utils.is_sdo(obj_or_type, stix_version) is expected assert stix2generator.utils.is_stix_type( obj_or_type, stix2generator.utils.STIXTypeClass.SDO, stix_version=stix_version ) is expected
[docs]@pytest.mark.parametrize( "obj_or_type, stix_version, expected", [ ("identity", "2.1", False), ("identity", "2.0", False), ("ipv4-addr", "2.1", True), ("ipv4-addr", "2.0", True), ("bundle", "2.1", False), ("bundle", "2.0", False), ("marking-definition", "2.1", False), ("marking-definition", "2.0", False), ("foobar", "2.1", False), ("foobar", "2.0", False), ("relationship", "2.1", False), ("relationship", "2.0", False), ({"type": "mutex", "foo": 1}, "2.1", True), ({"type": "mutex", "foo": 1}, "2.0", True) ] ) def test_is_sco(obj_or_type, stix_version, expected): assert stix2generator.utils.is_sco(obj_or_type, stix_version) is expected assert stix2generator.utils.is_stix_type( obj_or_type, stix2generator.utils.STIXTypeClass.SCO, stix_version=stix_version ) is expected
[docs]@pytest.mark.parametrize( "obj_or_type, stix_version, expected", [ ("identity", "2.1", False), ("identity", "2.0", False), ("ipv4-addr", "2.1", False), ("ipv4-addr", "2.0", False), ("bundle", "2.1", False), ("bundle", "2.0", False), ("marking-definition", "2.1", False), ("marking-definition", "2.0", False), ("foobar", "2.1", False), ("foobar", "2.0", False), ("relationship", "2.1", True), ("relationship", "2.0", True), ("sighting", "2.1", True), ("sighting", "2.0", True), ({"type": "mutex", "foo": 1}, "2.1", False), ({"type": "mutex", "foo": 1}, "2.0", False) ] ) def test_is_sro(obj_or_type, stix_version, expected): assert stix2generator.utils.is_sro(obj_or_type, stix_version) is expected assert stix2generator.utils.is_stix_type( obj_or_type, stix2generator.utils.STIXTypeClass.SRO, stix_version=stix_version ) is expected
[docs]@pytest.mark.parametrize( "obj_or_type, stix_version, expected", [ ("identity", "2.1", True), ("identity", "2.0", True), ("ipv4-addr", "2.1", True), ("ipv4-addr", "2.0", True), ("bundle", "2.1", True), ("bundle", "2.0", True), ("marking-definition", "2.1", True), ("marking-definition", "2.0", True), ("foobar", "2.1", False), ("foobar", "2.0", False), ("relationship", "2.1", True), ("relationship", "2.0", True), ({"type": "mutex", "foo": 1}, "2.1", True), ({"type": "mutex", "foo": 1}, "2.0", True) ] ) def test_is_object(obj_or_type, stix_version, expected): assert stix2generator.utils.is_object(obj_or_type, stix_version) is expected
[docs]@pytest.mark.parametrize( "obj_or_type, constraints, expected", [ ( "identity", ( stix2generator.utils.STIXTypeClass.SDO, stix2generator.utils.STIXTypeClass.SCO ), True ), ( "identity", ( "identity", stix2generator.utils.STIXTypeClass.SCO ), True ), ( "identity", ( stix2generator.utils.STIXTypeClass.SDO, "malware" ), True ), ( "identity", ( "location", "identity" ), True ), ( "identity", ( "location", "malware" ), False ), ( "foobar", ( "location", "malware" ), False ), ] ) def test_is_stix_type(obj_or_type, constraints, expected): assert stix2generator.utils.is_stix_type( obj_or_type, *constraints, stix_version="2.1" ) is expected
[docs]@pytest.mark.parametrize( "constraints", [ (("identity",)), (("identity", "location")), ((stix2generator.utils.STIXTypeClass.SDO, "url")), (("campaign", stix2generator.utils.STIXTypeClass.SCO)), (( stix2generator.utils.STIXTypeClass.SDO, stix2generator.utils.STIXTypeClass.SCO )), ] ) def test_random_generatable_stix_type( num_trials, object_generator21, constraints ): for _ in range(num_trials): type_ = stix2generator.utils.random_generatable_stix_type( object_generator21, *constraints, stix_version="2.1" ) assert stix2generator.utils.is_stix_type( type_, *constraints, stix_version="2.1" ) # try to generate an object to see if there is an error object_generator21.generate(type_)
[docs]@pytest.mark.parametrize( "constraints", [ (("foo", "bar")), (()) ] ) def test_random_generatable_stix_type_not_found( num_trials, object_generator21, constraints ): for _ in range(num_trials): type_ = stix2generator.utils.random_generatable_stix_type( object_generator21, *constraints, stix_version="2.1" ) assert type_ is None