Source code for stix2generator.utils

import enum
import random
import lark

    import stix2.parsing as mappings
except ImportError:
    import stix2.core as mappings

[docs]def is_tree(node, rule_name=None): """ Determine whether the given parse tree node is a Tree node, and optionally verify its type. :param node: The node to check :param rule_name: A node type, or None if it doesn't matter :return: True if the node is a Tree node of the proper type, False otherwise. """ return isinstance(node, lark.Tree) and ( rule_name is None or == rule_name )
[docs]def is_token(node, token_type=None): """ Determine whether the given parse tree node is a Token node, and optionally verify its type. :param node: The node to check :param token_type: A token type, or None if it doesn't matter :return: True if the node is a Token node of the proper type, False otherwise. """ return isinstance(node, lark.Token) and ( token_type is None or node.type == token_type )
[docs]def rand_iterable(it, len_it=None): """ Choose a uniformly random value from the given iterable. If len(it) is available, len_it may be None. Otherwise, len_it must be provided as the "length" of the given iterable (the number of values which will be produced). random.choice() seems to require a sequence (needs indexed access), so it doesn't work with things like sets. :param it: The iterable :param len_it: The length of it, or None to obtain the length via len(). :return: A random value from it """ if len_it is None: len_it = len(it) for i, val in enumerate(it): if random.random() < 1.0 / (len_it - i): return val raise Exception("Iterable was empty!")
[docs]def recurse_references(obj): """ Helper for find_references(). See that function for more information. Can also be used as a more generic reference finder, which requires no particular structure (e.g. a "type" property) and has no special casing for observed-data/objects. :param obj: An object. Can be any type, but values will only be produced from mappings. """ if isinstance(obj, for prop, value in obj.items(): if prop.endswith("_ref"): yield prop, value elif prop.endswith("_refs"): for ref in value: yield prop, ref else: yield from recurse_references(value)
[docs]def find_references(obj): """ Find all ref prop names and their ID values from the given STIX object. This generator generates (ref_prop_name, ID) pairs for all reference properties. For _refs properties (which are list-valued), a separate pair is generated for each element of the list; these pairs will contain the same property name and a different list element. :param obj: A STIX object with a "type" property. """ for prop, value in obj.items(): if prop.endswith("_ref"): yield prop, value elif prop.endswith("_refs"): for ref in value: yield prop, ref else: # Hack for observed-data: skip the inner SCO graph. I don't # think we ever want to mix the two graphs! if obj["type"] != "observed-data" or prop != "objects": yield from recurse_references(value)
[docs]def recurse_references_assignable(obj): """ Helper for find_references_assignable(). See that function for more information. Can also be used as a more generic reference finder, which requires no particular structure (e.g. a "type" property) and has no special casing for observed-data/objects. :param obj: An object. Can be any type, but values will only be produced from mappings. """ if isinstance(obj, for prop, value in obj.items(): if prop.endswith("_ref"): yield obj, prop, value, prop elif prop.endswith("_refs"): for idx, ref_id in enumerate(value): yield value, idx, ref_id, prop else: yield from recurse_references_assignable(value)
[docs]def find_references_assignable(obj): """ Find all ref prop names and their ID values from the given object in a way that allows modification of the reference (i.e. assignment of a new ID to the reference property). Generates 4-tuples (parent, key, ID, reference property name) where parent and key are such that the reference can be modified by assignment to the expression "parent[key]". If the reference property is list-valued, parent will be the list and key will be an integer index; otherwise, parent will be a mapping and key will be a key from the mapping. ID is the value of parent[key] and is provided as a convenience so that callers can avoid doing an extra lookup to get it. The reference property name will be the same as key, if key is string-valued (a _ref property name). If parent is a list and key an integer, then the reference property name is the key which maps to that list (a _refs property name). For list-valued _refs properties, a tuple is generated for each element of the list: key and ID will change, but parent and the reference property name will be the same. :param obj: A STIX object with a "type" property. """ for prop, value in obj.items(): if prop.endswith("_ref"): yield obj, prop, value, prop elif prop.endswith("_refs"): for idx, ref_id in enumerate(value): yield value, idx, ref_id, prop else: # Hack for observed-data: skip the inner SCO graph. I don't # think we ever want to mix the two graphs! if obj["type"] != "observed-data" or prop != "objects": yield from recurse_references_assignable(value)
def _stix_type_of(obj_or_type): """ Get a STIX type from the given value: if a string is passed, it is assumed to be a STIX type and is returned; otherwise it is assumed to be a mapping with a "type" property, and the value of that property is returned. :param obj_or_type: A mapping with a "type" property, or a STIX type as a string :return: A STIX type """ if isinstance(obj_or_type, str): type_ = obj_or_type else: type_ = obj_or_type["type"] return type_ def _get_stix2_class_maps(stix_version): """ Get the stix2 class mappings for the given STIX version. :param stix_version: A STIX version as a string :return: The class mappings. This will be a dict mapping from some general category name, e.g. "object" to another mapping from STIX type to a stix2 class. """ stix_vid = "v" + stix_version.replace(".", "") cls_maps = mappings.STIX2_OBJ_MAPS[stix_vid] return cls_maps
[docs]def is_sdo(obj_or_type, stix_version="2.1"): """ Determine whether the given object or type is an SDO. :param obj_or_type: A mapping with a "type" property, or a STIX type as a string :param stix_version: A STIX version as a string :return: True if the object is an SDO or the type is an SDO type; False if not """ # Eventually this needs to be moved into the stix2 library (and maybe # improved?); see cti-python-stix2 github issue #450. cls_maps = _get_stix2_class_maps(stix_version) type_ = _stix_type_of(obj_or_type) result = type_ in cls_maps["objects"] and type_ not in { "relationship", "sighting", "marking-definition", "bundle", "language-content" } return result
[docs]def is_sco(obj_or_type, stix_version="2.1"): """ Determine whether the given object or type is an SCO. :param obj_or_type: A mapping with a "type" property, or a STIX type as a string :param stix_version: A STIX version as a string :return: True if the object is an SCO or the type is an SCO type; False if not """ cls_maps = _get_stix2_class_maps(stix_version) type_ = _stix_type_of(obj_or_type) result = type_ in cls_maps["observables"] return result
[docs]def is_sro(obj_or_type, stix_version="2.1"): """ Determine whether the given object or type is an SRO. :param obj_or_type: A mapping with a "type" property, or a STIX type as a string :param stix_version: A STIX version as a string :return: True if the object is an SRO or the type is an SRO type; False if not """ # No STIX version dependence here yet... type_ = _stix_type_of(obj_or_type) result = type_ in ("sighting", "relationship") return result
[docs]def is_object(obj_or_type, stix_version="2.1"): """ Determine whether a type is the type of any STIX object. This includes all SDOs, SCOs, meta-objects, and bundle. If obj_or_type is an object, the object's "type" property is checked. :param obj_or_type: A mapping with a "type" property, or a STIX type as a string :param stix_version: A STIX version as a string :return: True if the (object) type is recognized as a STIX type with respect to the given STIX version; False if not """ cls_maps = _get_stix2_class_maps(stix_version) type_ = _stix_type_of(obj_or_type) result = type_ in cls_maps["observables"] or type_ in cls_maps["objects"] return result
[docs]class STIXTypeClass(enum.Enum): """ Represents different classes of STIX type. """ SDO = 0 SCO = 1 SRO = 2
[docs]def is_stix_type(obj_or_type, *types, stix_version="2.1"): """ Determine whether the given object or type satisfies the given constraints. 'types' must contain STIX types as strings, and/or the STIXTypeClass enum values. STIX types imply an exact match constraint; STIXTypeClass enum values imply a more general constraint, that the object or type be in that class of STIX type. These constraints are implicitly OR'd together. :param obj_or_type: A mapping with a "type" property, or a STIX type as a string :param types: A sequence of STIX type strings or STIXTypeClass enum values :param stix_version: A STIX version as a string :return: True if the object or type satisfies the constraints; False if not """ for type_ in types: if type_ is STIXTypeClass.SDO: result = is_sdo(obj_or_type, stix_version) elif type_ is STIXTypeClass.SCO: result = is_sco(obj_or_type, stix_version) elif type_ is STIXTypeClass.SRO: result = is_sro(obj_or_type, stix_version) else: # Assume a string STIX type is given instead of a class enum, # and just check for exact match. obj_type = _stix_type_of(obj_or_type) result = is_object(obj_type, stix_version) and obj_type == type_ if result: break else: result = False return result
[docs]def random_generatable_stix_type( object_generator, *required_types, stix_version="2.1" ): """ Choose a STIX type at random which satisfies the given type constraints, and which the given object generator is able to generate. See is_stix_type() for more discussion on the type constraints. :param object_generator: An object generator :param required_types: Type constraints, as a sequence of STIX type strings and/or STIXTypeClass enum values. If no types are given, it means no types are legal, so None will always be returned. :param stix_version: A STIX version as a string :return: A STIX type if one could be found which satisfies the given constraints; None if one could not be found """ candidate_types = [ type_ for type_ in object_generator.spec_names if is_stix_type(type_, *required_types, stix_version=stix_version) ] if candidate_types: stix_type = random.choice(candidate_types) else: stix_type = None return stix_type
[docs]def make_bundle(stix_objs, stix_version): """ Creating a Bundle object of the given spec version, which contains the given STIX objects. :param stix_objs: The objects the bundle is to contain. Must be a value accepted by the Bundle constructor, e.g. a single or list of objects. :param stix_version: A STIX version as a string :return: The Bundle object """ cls_maps = _get_stix2_class_maps(stix_version) bundle_class = cls_maps["objects"]["bundle"] bundle = bundle_class(stix_objs, allow_custom=True) return bundle