Source code for stix2generator.generation.object_generator

import itertools
import logging
import math
import random
import string

import stix2generator.generation
import stix2generator.generation.constraints
import stix2generator.generation.semantics

from stix2generator.exceptions import (
    CyclicSpecificationReferenceError, InvalidPropertyGroupError,
    ObjectGenerationError, PresenceCoconstraintError,
    SemanticValueTypeMismatchError, SpecificationNotFoundError,
    TypeMismatchError, UndefinedPropertyError, UnrecognizedJSONTypeError,

# lazy-initialized
_log = None

_NONE_TYPE = type(None)

# Legal values for the "type" property in specifications
# This and the values of _JSON_TYPE_MAP should of course be
# kept in sync.

# Used to infer a JSON type from a python type
    int: "integer",
    float: "number",
    str: "string",
    bool: "boolean",
    _NONE_TYPE: "null",
    dict: "object",
    list: "array"

[docs]class Config(stix2generator.generation.Config): """ Simple config class for the ObjectGenerator. Most properties are self-explanatory. Some notes: - The number settings apply to both "number" and "integer" specs - optional_property_probability is the probability of inclusion of optional properties. Must be a number in [0, 1]. - Setting minimize_ref_properties to True will cause the generator to attempt to minimize reference properties in generated objects, while still satisfying specification constraints. If a reference property is necessary to satisfy a constraint, it will be included regardless of this setting. This setting overrides optional_property_probability for reference properties: if minimizing reference properties and optional_property_probability is 1 (meaning include all optional properties), optional reference properties may nevertheless be omitted. """ _DEFAULTS = { "string_length_min": 5, "string_length_max": 20, "string_chars": string.ascii_letters, "number_min": -1000.0, "is_number_min_exclusive": False, "number_max": 1000.0, "is_number_max_exclusive": False, "array_length_min": 1, "array_length_max": 5, "optional_property_probability": 0.5, "minimize_ref_properties": True }
[docs]class ObjectGenerator: """ Instances of this class generate JSON data from a specification. More specifically, JSON-serializable Python structures are generated, which can be converted to JSON text. So JSON objects are generated as dicts; arrays as lists, etc. """ def __init__( self, spec_registry=None, semantic_providers=None, config=None ): """ Initialize the generator. :param spec_registry: A name->specification mapping used to look up references inside of specifications :param semantic_providers: A list of semantic providers (e.g. instances of subclasses of SemanticsProvider) :param config: A Config instance giving user settings regarding generation. If None, defaults will be used. """ self.__specs = spec_registry or {} self.__config = config or Config() self.__semantics = {} # Create a map for fast lookup from a semantic name to its provider if semantic_providers: for provider in semantic_providers: semantics = provider.get_semantics() for semantic in semantics: self.__semantics[semantic] = provider @property def config(self): """ Get this generator's config object. """ # If a public property, semantics implementations can use the config to # create values compatible with the invoking generator's settings. # Might be helpful? return self.__config @property def spec_names(self): """ Get a read-only iterable view of this generator's supported spec names. :return: An iterable of spec names """ return self.__specs.keys()
[docs] def generate( self, spec_name, expected_type=None, spec_name_stack=None, value_constraint=None ): """ Generate a value based on a specification identified by name. The name is looked up in this generator's registry. :param spec_name: The specification name :param expected_type: If the named spec should produce a particular JSON type, that type. If it doesn't matter, pass None. This can be used to identify reference errors, where the reference is to a specification for the wrong type of thing. :param spec_name_stack: A stack of previously-visited specification names, used for reference loop detection. Pass None to start a new stack. :param value_constraint: A ValueConstraint instance representing some additional constraint to be honored by the generator. This is derived from a value co-constraint expression. If None, there is no additional constraint. :return: The generated value :raises stix2generator.exceptions.CyclicSpecificationReferenceError: If a circular reference chain is detected :raises stix2generator.exceptions.SpecificationNotFoundError: If the named specification is not found in the registry :raises stix2generator.exceptions.ObjectGenerationError: For many other types of generation errors """ if spec_name_stack is None: spec_name_stack = [] # Reference loop check if spec_name in spec_name_stack: cycle = spec_name_stack[spec_name_stack.index(spec_name):] cycle.append(spec_name) raise CyclicSpecificationReferenceError( cycle, spec_name_stack=spec_name_stack[:] ) if spec_name not in self.__specs: raise SpecificationNotFoundError( spec_name, spec_name_stack=spec_name_stack ) spec = self.__specs[spec_name] try: spec_name_stack.append(spec_name) sdo_dict = self.generate_from_spec( spec, expected_type=expected_type, spec_name_stack=spec_name_stack, value_constraint=value_constraint ) spec_name_stack.pop() except ObjectGenerationError as e: # In a recursive context, set this at the deepest nesting level # only if not e.spec_name_stack: e.spec_name_stack = spec_name_stack[:] # a copy, to be safe raise return sdo_dict
[docs] def generate_from_spec( self, spec, expected_type=None, spec_name_stack=None, value_constraint=None ): """ Generate a value based on the given specification, which need not exist under any particular name in this generator's registry. :param spec: The specification, as parsed JSON :param expected_type: If the spec should be for a particular JSON type, that type. If it doesn't matter, pass None. :param spec_name_stack: A stack of previously-visited specification names, used for reference loop detection. Pass None to start a new stack. :param value_constraint: A ValueConstraint instance representing some additional constraint to be honored by the generator. This is derived from a value co-constraint expression. If None, there is no additional constraint. :return: The generated value :raises stix2generator.exceptions.UnrecognizedJSONTypeError: If given a non-const dict spec whose declared type is not recognized as a JSON type, or if expected_type is given and not a recognized JSON type. :raises stix2generator.exceptions.TypeMismatchError: If expected_type is given and the spec type doesn't match. :raises stix2generator.exceptions.ObjectGenerationError: For various ways the given spec is invalid. Other types of errors are also wrapped/chained from this exception type (if possible) so that we get decoration with extra info from higher stack frames, which is useful for diagnosing where those problems occur. """ spec_type = _get_spec_type(spec) if expected_type: if expected_type not in _JSON_TYPES: raise UnrecognizedJSONTypeError(expected_type) # There really should be some flexibility for numeric types: if # number is expected, integers should be accepted too... if spec_type != expected_type: raise TypeMismatchError( expected_type, spec_type ) # If not a dict, the spec IS the desired value. It's an easy way to # produce fixed values. if not isinstance(spec, dict): value = spec # The other way: use "const", like in json-schema. elif "const" in spec: value = spec["const"] else: semantic_name = spec.get( stix2generator.generation.semantics.SEMANTIC_PROPERTY_NAME ) try: if semantic_name: value = self.__generate_semantic(spec, value_constraint) else: value = self.__generate_plain( spec, spec_name_stack, value_constraint ) except ObjectGenerationError as e: # In a recursive context, set this at the deepest nesting # level only. Also, I think it's better to use the semantic # name as the type name in error messages, for semantic specs. if not e.spec_type: e.spec_type = semantic_name or spec_type raise except Exception as e: raise ObjectGenerationError( "An error occurred during generation: {}: {}".format( type(e).__name__, str(e) ), semantic_name or spec_type ) from e return value
def __generate_semantic(self, spec, value_constraint): """ Generate from a semantic-type spec. :param spec: The spec :param value_constraint: A ValueConstraint instance representing some additional constraint to be honored by the generator. This is derived from a value co-constraint expression. If None, there is no additional constraint. :return: The generated value :raises stix2generator.exceptions.SemanticValueTypeMismatchError: If the semantic produces a value which doesn't agree with the spec's declared type. :raises stix2generator.exceptions.ObjectGenerationError: If the semantic name isn't found in any of this generator's semantic providers """ semantic = spec[ stix2generator.generation.semantics.SEMANTIC_PROPERTY_NAME ] if semantic in self.__semantics: provider = self.__semantics[semantic] value = provider.create_semantic(spec, self, value_constraint) # Should check that the implementation created the right type of # value. actual_type = _json_type_from_python_type(type(value)) if actual_type != spec["type"]: raise SemanticValueTypeMismatchError( semantic, actual_type, value, spec["type"] ) else: raise ObjectGenerationError( "unrecognized semantic: " + semantic ) return value def __generate_plain(self, spec, spec_name_stack, value_constraint): """ Generate from a "plain" spec, i.e. one that isn't a semantic spec. Maybe not a very good method name... (Of course, the spec can have sub-specs or references to specs which are semantic.) :param spec: The "plain" spec :param spec_name_stack: Spec name stack, to propagate through references (if any) :param value_constraint: A ValueConstraint instance representing some additional constraint to be honored by the generator. This is derived from a value co-constraint expression. If None, there is no additional constraint. This is *only* used to propagate through ref/oneOf specifications. The "plain" generators (non-semantic) ignore constraints. :return: The generated value :raises stix2generator.exceptions.ObjectGenerationError: If a generation error occurs """ type_ = spec["type"] if "ref" in spec: value = self.generate( spec["ref"], expected_type=type_, spec_name_stack=spec_name_stack, value_constraint=value_constraint ) elif "oneOf" in spec: # value of the "oneOf" property should be a list of specs. sub_spec = random.choice(spec["oneOf"]) value = self.generate_from_spec( sub_spec, expected_type=type_, spec_name_stack=spec_name_stack, value_constraint=value_constraint ) else: generator = self.__GENERATOR_METHOD_MAP[type_] value = generator(self, spec, spec_name_stack) return value
[docs] def generate_object(self, object_spec, spec_name_stack=None): """ Generate a JSON object from the given specification. :param object_spec: A JSON object specification :param spec_name_stack: Specification name stack, for reference loop detection. If None, use an empty stack. :return: A dict :raises stix2generator.exceptions.ObjectGenerationError: If a generation error occurs """ # Handle imports if "import" in object_spec: imported_spec_name = object_spec["import"] gen_object = self.generate( imported_spec_name, expected_type="object", spec_name_stack=spec_name_stack ) else: gen_object = {} # First, determine which properties to include names_to_include = _get_properties_to_include( object_spec, self.config.optional_property_probability, self.config.minimize_ref_properties ) if names_to_include: # Then, find values for the included properties, according to their # specs and co-constraints. value_coconstraints = _get_value_coconstraints(object_spec) # At this point, if there were any names to include, there must # have been some properties defined! prop_specs = object_spec["properties"] for prop_name in names_to_include: # Generate constraint if necessary constraint = _get_value_constraint( prop_name, value_coconstraints, gen_object ) gen_object[prop_name] = self.generate_from_spec( prop_specs[prop_name], spec_name_stack=spec_name_stack, value_constraint=constraint ) return gen_object
[docs] def generate_array(self, array_spec, spec_name_stack=None): """ Generate a JSON array from the given specification. :param array_spec: A JSON array specification :param spec_name_stack: Specification name stack, for reference loop detection. If None, use an empty stack. :return: A list :raises stix2generator.exceptions.ObjectGenerationError: If a generation error occurs """ item_spec = array_spec["items"] has_min = "minItems" in array_spec has_max = "maxItems" in array_spec if (has_min and not has_max) or (not has_min and has_max): raise ObjectGenerationError( "Specification must include both or neither of the properties: " "minItems, maxItems", "array" ) min_items = array_spec.get("minItems", self.config.array_length_min) max_items = array_spec.get("maxItems", self.config.array_length_max) if min_items > max_items: raise ObjectGenerationError( "minItems must be less than or equal to maxItems", "array" ) if min_items < 0 or max_items < 0: raise ObjectGenerationError( "minItems and maxItems must be non-negative: {}".format( min_items if min_items < 0 else max_items ), "array" ) array = [ self.generate_from_spec(item_spec, spec_name_stack=spec_name_stack) for _ in range( random.randint(min_items, max_items) ) ] return array
[docs] def generate_string(self, string_spec, spec_name_stack=None): """ Generate a string from the given specification. :param string_spec: A string specification :param spec_name_stack: A specification name stack, for reference loop detection. Unused but included for API compatibility with object/array generators. :return: A string :raises stix2generator.exceptions.ObjectGenerationError: If a generation error occurs """ has_min = "minLength" in string_spec has_max = "maxLength" in string_spec if (has_min and not has_max) or (not has_min and has_max): raise ObjectGenerationError( "Specification must include both or neither of the properties: " "minLength, maxLength", "string" ) min_length = string_spec.get("minLength", self.config.string_length_min) max_length = string_spec.get("maxLength", self.config.string_length_max) if min_length > max_length: raise ObjectGenerationError( "minLength must be less than or equal to maxLength: {} <= {}" .format(min_length, max_length), "string" ) if min_length < 0 or max_length < 0: raise ObjectGenerationError( "minLength and maxLength must be non-negative: {}".format( min_length if min_length < 0 else max_length ), "string" ) s = "".join( random.choice(self.config.string_chars) for _ in range( random.randint(min_length, max_length) ) ) return s
[docs] def generate_integer(self, integer_spec, spec_name_stack=None): """ Generate an integer from the given specification. :param integer_spec: An integer specification :param spec_name_stack: A specification name stack, for reference loop detection. Unused but included for API compatibility with object/array generators. :return: An int :raises stix2generator.exceptions.ObjectGenerationError: If a generation error occurs """ min_, is_min_exclusive, max_, is_max_exclusive = \ _process_numeric_min_max_properties( integer_spec, self.config.number_min, self.config.is_number_min_exclusive, self.config.number_max, self.config.is_number_max_exclusive ) # Guess I won't assume the user expressed the bounds as ints, so I # need to convert to ints and check the resulting bounds. The # call above to process min/max properties doesn't assume we require # ints. if int(min_) == min_: min_ = int(min_) if is_min_exclusive: min_ += 1 else: min_ = int(math.ceil(min_)) if int(max_) == max_: max_ = int(max_) if is_max_exclusive: max_ -= 1 else: max_ = int(math.floor(max_)) if min_ > max_: raise ObjectGenerationError( "no integers exist in the specified interval", "integer" ) return random.randint(min_, max_)
[docs] def generate_number(self, number_spec, spec_name_stack=None): """ Generate a number (float) from the given specification. :param number_spec: A number specification :param spec_name_stack: A specification name stack, for reference loop detection. Unused but included for API compatibility with object/array generators. :return: A float :raises stix2generator.exceptions.ObjectGenerationError: If a generation error occurs """ min_, is_min_exclusive, max_, is_max_exclusive = \ _process_numeric_min_max_properties( number_spec, self.config.number_min, self.config.is_number_min_exclusive, self.config.number_max, self.config.is_number_max_exclusive ) if is_min_exclusive and is_max_exclusive: n = _random_open(min_, max_) elif is_min_exclusive: n = _random_half_open_lower(min_, max_) elif is_max_exclusive: n = _random_half_open_upper(min_, max_) else: n = _random_closed(min_, max_) return n
[docs] def generate_boolean(self, boolean_spec, spec_name_stack=None): """ Generate a boolean from the given specification. :param boolean_spec: A boolean specification (ignored; there's nothing to configure for now) :param spec_name_stack: A specification name stack, for reference loop detection. Unused but included for API compatibility with object/array generators. :return: True or False """ if random.random() < 0.5: return True return False
[docs] def generate_null(self, null_spec, spec_name_stack=None): """ Generate null (None). :param null_spec: A null specification (ignored; there's nothing to configure for now) :param spec_name_stack: A specification name stack, for reference loop detection. Unused but included for API compatibility with object/array generators. :return: None """ return None
# This has to be at the bottom, after the methods are defined. Would it # have been better to store method names and use getattr() to get the # methods instead? Or generate a function name from a template? This is # yet another map to keep sync'd up with others. Think about ways of # improving this situation... __GENERATOR_METHOD_MAP = { "object": generate_object, "array": generate_array, "string": generate_string, "integer": generate_integer, "number": generate_number, "boolean": generate_boolean, "null": generate_null }
def _get_logger(): global _log if _log is None: _log = logging.getLogger(__name__) return _log def _get_value_coconstraints(object_spec): """ Get the value coconstraints, if any, from the given object specification. This also does some error checking. :param object_spec: The object specification whose value coconstraints should be checked. :return: A list of ValueCoconstraint objects; will be empty if there are none defined. :raises stix2generator.exceptions.ValueCoconstraintError: If an invalid value co-constraint is found. """ # This function shouldn't be called if object_spec has no properties, but # just in case... assert "properties" in object_spec value_coconstraints = object_spec.get("value-coconstraints", []) prop_specs = object_spec["properties"] coconstraint_objs = [] for coconstraint in value_coconstraints: coconstraint_obj = \ stix2generator.generation.constraints.make_value_coconstraint( coconstraint ) coconstraint_objs.append(coconstraint_obj) if coconstraint_obj.prop_name_left not in prop_specs: raise ValueCoconstraintError( coconstraint, "Property '{}' undefined in specification".format( coconstraint_obj.prop_name_left ) ) if coconstraint_obj.prop_name_right not in prop_specs: raise ValueCoconstraintError( coconstraint, "Property '{}' undefined in specification".format( coconstraint_obj.prop_name_right ) ) # Another scan through the coconstraints to check for properties # referenced more than once. prop_occurrence_counts = {} def inc_count_for_key(d, k): count = d.setdefault(k, 0) + 1 d[k] = count for coconstraint_obj in coconstraint_objs: inc_count_for_key( prop_occurrence_counts, coconstraint_obj.prop_name_left ) inc_count_for_key( prop_occurrence_counts, coconstraint_obj.prop_name_right ) props_with_count_gt_1 = [ k for k, v in prop_occurrence_counts.items() if v > 1 ] if props_with_count_gt_1: log = _get_logger() log.warning( "Some properties are referenced in more than one value" " co-constraint. If such a property requires constraining based on" " another property value, only the first such co-constraint will be" " consulted: %s", ", ".join(props_with_count_gt_1) ) return coconstraint_objs def _check_property_groups(groups_spec, property_specs): """ Do some sanity checks on the given property groups: empty groups, bad property names, naming conflicts, etc. Runs for side-effects (exceptions) and doesn't return anything. :param groups_spec: The groups spec from a presence coconstraint specification from an object specification :param property_specs: The properties specifications from an object specification :raises stix2generator.exceptions.InvalidPropertyGroupError: If there is a problem with a property group """ for group_name, prop_names in groups_spec.items(): if not prop_names: raise InvalidPropertyGroupError( group_name, "group can't be empty" ) if group_name in property_specs: raise InvalidPropertyGroupError( group_name, "group name conflicts with a property name" ) undef_props = set(prop_names) - property_specs.keys() if undef_props: raise InvalidPropertyGroupError( group_name, 'undefined property(s): {}'.format( ", ".join(undef_props) ) ) # check pairwise intersections to ensure all groups are disjoint if len(groups_spec) > 1: for group1, group2 in itertools.combinations(groups_spec, 2): overlaps = set(groups_spec[group1]) & set(groups_spec[group2]) if overlaps: raise InvalidPropertyGroupError( group2, 'overlaps with group "{}". Overlapping properties: {}' .format( group1, ", ".join(overlaps) ) ) def _get_group_coconstraints(presence_coconstraints, property_specs): """ Get property group co-constraints from the presence co-constraint part of an object specification. Length 1 property groups will have some sanity checking done, but will otherwise be ignored. That is better accomplished by using the property directly instead of putting it in its own group. :param presence_coconstraints: The presence co-constraints dict from an object specification. :param property_specs: The property definitions dict from an object specification. :return: A mapping of group name to stix2generator.generation.constraints.PresenceCoconstraint object representing the group co-constraint. If there were no property groups defined, the map will be empty. :raises stix2generator.exceptions.PresenceCoconstraintError: If an invalid presence co-constraint is found """ # Should map group names to lists of property names (group contents) group_specs = presence_coconstraints.get("property-groups", {}) # Sanity check groups _check_property_groups(group_specs, property_specs) all_of_groups = set(presence_coconstraints.get("all", [])) one_of_groups = set(presence_coconstraints.get("one", [])) at_least_one_of_groups = set( presence_coconstraints.get("at-least-one", []) ) # Sanity check for bad group names in constraint type lists for group_name in itertools.chain( all_of_groups, one_of_groups, at_least_one_of_groups ): if group_name not in group_specs: raise PresenceCoconstraintError( "Group not found: " + group_name ) # Ensure no group is assigned more than one constraint type constraint_conflicts = set() for groups1, groups2 in itertools.combinations(( all_of_groups, one_of_groups, at_least_one_of_groups ), 2): constraint_conflicts |= groups1 & groups2 if constraint_conflicts: raise PresenceCoconstraintError( "Property group(s) have conflicting co-constraints: {}".format( ", ".join(constraint_conflicts) ) ) # Define a default constraint type, or require that every group be # explicitly assigned one? Maybe being explicit is clearer? So check for # groups which weren't assigned constraint types. unassigned_groups = group_specs.keys() - all_of_groups - \ one_of_groups - at_least_one_of_groups if unassigned_groups: raise PresenceCoconstraintError( "Property group(s) were not assigned co-constraint types: " "{}".format( ", ".join(unassigned_groups) ) ) # Filter out length-1 groups. I think I'd like the above checks to be done # on them anyway, to avoid silly specifications, but here we will start # ignoring them. groups_to_ignore = [] for group_name, property_names in group_specs.items(): if len(property_names) == 1: groups_to_ignore.append(group_name) group_specs = dict(group_specs) # shallow copy ok for group_name in groups_to_ignore: del group_specs[group_name] constraint_objs = { group_name: stix2generator.generation.constraints.PresenceCoconstraint( property_names, "one" if group_name in one_of_groups else "all" if group_name in all_of_groups else "at-least-one" ) for group_name, property_names in group_specs.items() } return constraint_objs def _get_dependency_coconstraints(presence_coconstraints, group_coconstraints, property_specs): """ Get dependency co-constraints, which is part of the presence co-constraints. This just does a lot of sanity checks on the dependencies object from the spec. :param presence_coconstraints: :param group_coconstraints: :param property_specs: :return: The dependency co-constraints object. If none was given, returns an empty dict. :raises stix2generator.exceptions.PresenceCoconstraintError: If an invalid presence co-constraint is found """ deps = presence_coconstraints.get("dependencies", {}) grouped_property_names = set( itertools.chain.from_iterable( coco.property_names for coco in group_coconstraints.values() ) ) def is_group_or_prop(name): return name in property_specs or name in group_coconstraints for key_name, prop_list in deps.items(): if not is_group_or_prop(key_name): raise PresenceCoconstraintError( "Unrecognized group or property: " + key_name ) if key_name in grouped_property_names: raise PresenceCoconstraintError( 'Property "{}" is grouped and cannot be referenced' ' individually'.format(key_name) ) for name in prop_list: if not is_group_or_prop(name): raise PresenceCoconstraintError( "Unrecognized group or property: " + name ) if name in grouped_property_names: raise PresenceCoconstraintError( 'Property "{}" is grouped and cannot be referenced' ' individually'.format(name) ) if name in deps: raise PresenceCoconstraintError( "Dependency key can't also occur in a dependency" " value: " + name ) return deps def _get_presence_coconstraints(object_spec): """ Get presence co-constraint info from the given object specification. This includes the groups and dependencies. :param object_spec: The object specification :return: A 2-tuple with (a) the group co-constraint mapping from group name to constraint object, and the dependencies mapping from property or group name to list of properties/groups. :raises stix2generator.exceptions.PresenceCoconstraintError: If an invalid presence co-constraint is found """ presence_coconstraints = object_spec.get("presence-coconstraints", {}) property_specs = object_spec.get("properties", {}) group_coconstraints = _get_group_coconstraints( presence_coconstraints, property_specs ) dependency_coconstraints = _get_dependency_coconstraints( presence_coconstraints, group_coconstraints, property_specs ) return group_coconstraints, dependency_coconstraints def _get_properties_to_include( object_spec, optional_property_probability, minimize_ref_properties ): """ Determine which object properties to include, based on required/optional choices and any defined presence co-constraints. :param object_spec: The object spec :param optional_property_probability: The probability an optional property should be included. Must be a number from 0 to 1. :param minimize_ref_properties: True if we should minimize optional reference properties. False if they should receive no special treatment. :return: The property names, as a set of strings :raises stix2generator.exceptions.PresenceCoconstraintError: If an invalid presence co-constraint is found :raises stix2generator.exceptions.UndefinedPropertyError: If a reference to an undefined property or group is found in the "required" or "optional" property value of the spec :raises stix2generator.exceptions.ObjectGenerationError: If a reference to a grouped property is found """ prop_specs = object_spec.get("properties", {}) required_names = object_spec.get("required") optional_names = object_spec.get("optional") if required_names is not None and optional_names is not None: raise ObjectGenerationError( '"required" and "optional" can\'t both be present' ) # If neither optional nor required names are specified, all # properties/groups will be required. elif required_names is None and optional_names is None: # empty optional set = all required optional_names = set() # Convert to sets to remove dupes elif required_names is not None: required_names = set(required_names) elif optional_names is not None: optional_names = set(optional_names) group_coconstraints, dependency_coconstraints = \ _get_presence_coconstraints(object_spec) # Detect errors in the required/optional prop list: all must be # defined, and grouped properties must not be referenced req_or_opt = required_names if required_names is not None \ else optional_names defined_prop_names = prop_specs.keys() defined_group_names = group_coconstraints.keys() grouped_property_names = set( itertools.chain.from_iterable( coco.property_names for coco in group_coconstraints.values() ) ) undef_name_errors = req_or_opt - defined_prop_names - defined_group_names if undef_name_errors: raise UndefinedPropertyError(undef_name_errors) grouped_prop_errors = req_or_opt & grouped_property_names if grouped_prop_errors: raise ObjectGenerationError( "Property(s) are grouped and cannot be referenced" " individually: {}".format( ", ".join( "{}".format(p) for p in grouped_prop_errors ) ) ) # Include all ungrouped property names and property group names in # the same "pool" of names one can specify as required or optional. name_pool = (defined_prop_names - grouped_property_names) \ | defined_group_names # Get set of optional names (whether they specified "required" or # "optional" in the spec). effectively_optional_names = optional_names if optional_names is not None \ else name_pool - required_names # Start out the set of names to include with all required ones. names_to_include = required_names if required_names is not None \ else name_pool - effectively_optional_names # And then maybe add some optional ones. for name in effectively_optional_names: is_group = name in defined_group_names is_ref = name.endswith("_ref") or name.endswith("_refs") can_include = False if minimize_ref_properties: if is_group: if group_coconstraints[name].can_satisfy_without_refs(): can_include = True elif not is_ref: can_include = True else: can_include = True if can_include and random.random() < optional_property_probability: names_to_include.add(name) # Incorporate the "dependencies": add any other properties we # require for dep_key, dep_names in dependency_coconstraints.items(): if dep_key in names_to_include: names_to_include.update(dep_names) # For any names which are property groups, expand them to the # component properties according to their co-constraints # ... can't modify a set as you iterate! So need a temp set. temp_set = set() for name in names_to_include: if name in group_coconstraints: temp_set.update( group_coconstraints[name].choose_properties( optional_property_probability, minimize_ref_properties ) ) else: temp_set.add(name) names_to_include = temp_set return names_to_include def _get_value_constraint(prop_name, coconstraints, partially_generated_object): """ Get a value constraint object derived from a value co-constraint involving the given property. :param prop_name: The property to check for co-constraints :param coconstraints: An iterable of co-constraint objects (stix2generator.generation.constraints.ValueCoconstraint) :param partially_generated_object: The object being generated, in its current state of partial construction. This is necessary to find the value of the other property involved in the co-constraint, if any. :return: A constraint object (stix2generator.generation.constraints.ValueConstraint) representing a necessary constraint on the given property, or None if no constraint is necessary. """ constraint = None for coconstraint in coconstraints: if coconstraint.involves_property(prop_name): other_prop_name = coconstraint.get_other_property( prop_name ) if other_prop_name in partially_generated_object: constraint = coconstraint.get_constraint( other_prop_name, partially_generated_object[other_prop_name] ) break return constraint def _json_type_from_python_type(python_type): """ Infers a JSON type from a python type. This is necessary for reference verification when the type isn't explicitly given (e.g. a "const" spec). :param python_type: The python type (a 'type' object) :return: A JSON type name :raises stix2generator.exceptions.ObjectGenerationError: If a JSON type can't be inferred from python_type """ json_type = _JSON_TYPE_MAP.get(python_type) if json_type is None: raise ObjectGenerationError( "Can't infer JSON type from " + str(python_type) ) return json_type def _get_spec_type(spec): """ Determine the type of the given spec, as one of the supported JSON types. :param spec: A specification :return: A spec JSON type as a string, e.g. "string", "array", etc. :raises stix2generator.exceptions.ObjectGenerationError: If a const spec where the spec type can't be inferred from the constant; if a non-const spec whose "type" property is missing :raises stix2generator.exceptions.UnrecognizedJSONTypeError: if the value of the "type" property isn't a recognized JSON type """ if isinstance(spec, dict): if "const" in spec: # type is implied by the value of the "const" property. value_type = type(spec["const"]) json_type = _json_type_from_python_type(value_type) elif "type" in spec: json_type = spec["type"] if json_type not in _JSON_TYPES: raise UnrecognizedJSONTypeError(json_type) else: raise ObjectGenerationError( '"type" property is missing' ) else: # the spec is the value. Check its type. value_type = type(spec) json_type = _json_type_from_python_type(value_type) return json_type def _process_numeric_min_max_properties( spec, default_min, is_default_min_exclusive, default_max, is_default_max_exclusive ): """ Factors out a rather large chunk of code for validating and processing the min/max properties on numbers and integers. Maybe we need a JSON-Schema for specifications and validate against that, to reduce the amount of hand-written validation code we need to write... :param spec: A number or integer spec :param default_min: If the spec doesn't specify a minimum, use this as the default. :param is_default_min_exclusive: Whether default_min, if it is used, is an exclusive bound. :param default_max: If the spec doesn't specify a maximum, use this as the default. :param is_default_max_exclusive: Whether default_max, if it is used, is an exclusive bound. :return: A (num, bool, num, bool) 4-tuple giving the bounds and whether each bound is exclusive or not: (min, is_min_exclusive, max, is_max_exclusive) :raises stix2generator.exceptions.ObjectGenerationError: For various types of problems with numeric specifications """ if "minimum" in spec and "exclusiveMinimum" in spec: raise ObjectGenerationError( "minimum and exclusiveMinimum can't both be present" ) if "maximum" in spec and "exclusiveMaximum" in spec: raise ObjectGenerationError( "maximum and exclusiveMaximum can't both be present" ) min_given = any( p in spec for p in ("minimum", "exclusiveMinimum") ) max_given = any( p in spec for p in ("maximum", "exclusiveMaximum") ) # I think this check is necessary since user-specified min/max could well # be out of order w.r.t. defaults, producing unexpected errors. What would # users expect the other bound to be anyway, if they only gave one bound? if (min_given and not max_given) or (max_given and not min_given): raise ObjectGenerationError( "can't give minimum without a maximum, or vice versa" ) if "minimum" in spec: min_ = spec["minimum"] is_min_exclusive = False elif "exclusiveMinimum" in spec: min_ = spec["exclusiveMinimum"] is_min_exclusive = True else: min_ = default_min is_min_exclusive = is_default_min_exclusive if "maximum" in spec: max_ = spec["maximum"] is_max_exclusive = False elif "exclusiveMaximum" in spec: max_ = spec["exclusiveMaximum"] is_max_exclusive = True else: max_ = default_max is_max_exclusive = is_default_max_exclusive if min_ > max_: raise ObjectGenerationError( "minimum can't be greater than maximum" ) elif min_ == max_ and (is_max_exclusive or is_min_exclusive): raise ObjectGenerationError( "In an open or half-open interval, minimum must be strictly " "less than maximum" ) return min_, is_min_exclusive, max_, is_max_exclusive def _random_half_open_upper(min_, ex_max): assert min_ < ex_max # easy case... I think, since random.random() already has the right # openness. n = min_ + (ex_max - min_) * random.random() return n def _random_half_open_lower(ex_min, max_): assert ex_min < max_ # harder case: we compute the opposite openness, then "flip" it by # negating the result. So for example, [a,b) becomes (-b,-a]. That # gives us the correct openness and range, but wrong endpoints. Then, we # just "shift" the interval to its proper endpoints. That's one way of # looking at it, at least. n = ex_min + max_ - _random_half_open_upper(ex_min, max_) return n def _random_closed(min_, max_): assert min_ <= max_ # Python gives us a simple API which is documented to use a closed # interval, but the same docs say that one endpoint may or may not actually # be included... so maybe this doesn't actually work? It actually quotes # the exact same equation I used in _random_half_open_upper()! return random.uniform(min_, max_) def _random_open(ex_min, ex_max): assert ex_min < ex_max # It's not obvious how to have a uniformly distributed open interval. I # had an idea to add two intervals of opposite openness covering the same # range and divide by 2, to obtain a totally open interval. E.g. to get # (0, 1) compute ([0, 1) + (0, 1]) / 2. I think this yields an open # interval, but at the expense of uniformity. # n = _random_half_open_upper(ex_min, ex_max) + \ # _random_half_open_lower(ex_min, ex_max) # n /= 2.0 # Another idea is to split an open interval into two half-open intervals # which are joined at a closed boundary in the middle. This implies that # the mid point is slightly more likely than other points, so this isn't # uniform either, but I think it's better than above. Perhaps it's close # enough?? mid = (ex_min + ex_max) / 2.0 if random.random() < 0.5: n = _random_half_open_lower(ex_min, mid) else: n = _random_half_open_upper(mid, ex_max) return n # Another possibility I found on stackoverflow was essentially to generate # a random positive integer (1 to something big, to give a lot of possible # distinct generated numbers) and divide by a number slightly larger than # the maximum.